Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Examples of Light, Shadow, and Reflections

Shadows as main subject, Tyra Banks
Reflection, Matthias Vorlander
Back-lit Non-Silhouette, Sheen's Nature Photography
Silhouette, Naveed Mughal
Back-lit Non-Silhouette 

Image result for back-lit non-silhouette
Olivia Bee
This beautiful photograph was taken by Olivia Bee (Bolles), a well-known photographer and director from Portland. This photograph is a back-lit non-silhouette because you can see the girl's features perfectly, but there is clearly light surrounding her. I think that Olivia Bee probably metered directly off of the girl, because she is the only thing in focus, and the girl is perfectly clear. If she had metered off of the light or background instead, the girl would most likely be silhouette-like. The light would be the main subject and she would be dark. The picture is kind of monotone and very light. This may be because Bee overexposed the photo for effect and did some minor editing, but I believe that if she had metered off of the natural light source, the colors would be more vibrant regarding the light and sky.