Thursday, May 26, 2016

Stop Motion

        For this project, we had to use creativity and technique to create a stop motion animation. I really enjoyed this project, because I got the opportunity to use other skills such as drawing and incorporate them in my video. Overall, I am happy about how my stop motion turned out.

My Stop Motion Drawing Video

Friday, May 6, 2016

Utopia and Dystopia Pre-Work

For this project, we had to create a video that represents Portland in a utopian manner and one that represent the city in a dystopian way. We had to be observant and creative for this project. This wasn't my favorite project, because it is more raw than most of my other works and I prefer taking photographs than videos.

Utopia: A place or world where everything is perfect. In other words, this is paradise.

Dystopia: A place or world where everything is bad, corrupt, and imperfect. This is basically hell.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


For this project, the goal was to use all of the information and techniques that we used to create a full scale magazine. We got to chose the magazine theme that we wanted and we had a bunch of creative liberty. I loved the commercial side of this project and the creativity that that entailed. It was an extremely fun project!

(Left: Greta, Right: Clara)
(Left: Clara, Right: Greta)