Monday, March 28, 2016

Project 8: Portraits, Pre-work

Fine Art Portraits

Lipstick, Marc Lagrange
I really liked how creative this fine art portrait was. It gives us insight on the woman in the photograph and we are told a story through the image. The white-pink used in the background lets us focus on the woman, but the realization that the woman is breaking through paper gives the image another edge, which separates it from most magazine portraits. I enjoyed that it was different from most portraits. 

Linnea Lenkus
I love how unusual and put-together this portrait is. When I look at this photograph, I feel that there is another deeper meaning to it that gives it multiple dimensions. This though is provoked by the blank expression on the woman's face and the transparent hands trying to cover her face. I think that the black and white really enhances the mood of the portrait.

Commercial Magazine Portrait

Vogue, Anonymous
This is a great example of a commercial magazine portrait, because the portrait creates an obvious focus, Vanessa Paradis. The simple, monochrome, background brings out the black of the jacket and Vanessa Paradis. 

Erik Madigan Heck

I love how simple this portrait is. I think that this is exactly what a commercial portrait should look like, because it forces us to focus on the subject of matter. The contrast in colors and simpleness does just that. In addition, the cover is extremely clear and I know exactly what it is going to be about. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Project 7- Surrealism and Photo Montage

For this project, we had to create surrealist images and photo montages. We had to be extremely creative to make individual images that are out of the ordinary, as surrealist photographs should be. We cut out multiple images to create a larger piece of artwork. During this project, we had the opportunity to experience with a lot of elements and photoshop. It was one of my favorite projects this year. 

This photograph shows the imagination and personality of my little sister. I included elements and objects of her daily life, and things that represent her as an individual. I wanted my image to be very colorful because she is full of life and color. I also added many elements and cut outs in my photograph to give off the affect of what goes on in our minds; we think about so many things at a time.

For this photograph, I wanted to show the girl looking through a fishbowl, but I wanted for the viewer to see her from the point of view of inside the fishbowl and across the glass. As for the surrealism, I put in a photograph of branches and the sky instead of the water. In addition, I made the fish see-through. I wanted the fish and the background to become a part of the girl. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Project 7: Surrealism Pre-Work

Surrealism is a famous art form from the 20th century. It became a large artistic and literate movement at the time. In art and literature, elements are often juxtaposed in an irrational, dreamlike, and imaginative manner to create a creative piece. 

Examples of Famous Surrealist Artists From the 20th Century

Rene Francois Ghislain Magritte: Born in Lessines, Belgium (1898-1967) 

La reproduction interdite (Not to be Reproduced) (1937)

Le fils de l'homme (The Son of Man) (1946)

Marc Chagall: Born in Liozna, Russia (1887-1985)

The Solider Drinks (1913)

Peasant Life (1925)

Today's Surrealist Photographers

Lara Zankoul (Lebanon)

Ronen Goldman (Tel Aviv, Israel)

Brooke Shaden (Arizona)